Our 1st Day in Beijing, China....Flora and Fauna Paradise.

After a very long flight, 13-14 hours, with a 12 hour difference in time zone, we are very thrilled to have arrived safely in Beijing, China.
First things first....sleep.
Next morning we begin our day with our feet hitting the pavement.  After a yummy breakfast, which included Western and Eastern foods, we discovered a Garden Expo is directly located behind our hotel.
So off we go....exploring before we meet our tour.

Everywhere we went, these were the kinds of brooms used by the Chinese.

We learned right away that we (Westerners) were a bit of a novelty to the Chinese people.  This gentle women was working on these incredible gardens when she stopped what she was doing, to get a photo together.  I tried to share our delight in her beautiful gardens and I believe she did understand.
I have come to realize, that they are interested and fascinated by our 'big noses and big feet?'  As per our tour guides?
I have my Dad's Lafreniere nose.....but my feet are little?
Happy to oblige a photo.......and many more to come.
