The Incredible and Ancient Great Wall of China

Here is the place that has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember.  I never thought or imagined that I would actually walk on the Great Wall of China.
.....and it didn't disappoint.

A wee visitor welcoming us to our trekking cute.

This sign is so excellent.  Laying on the horn if other drivers are doing whatever, is not permitted.  We need those in Canada....just sayin'

The Great Wall of China is over 13,000 miles long.  No....we didn't walk the whole

Below is the start of our walk up.  We were aiming for the towers on the top right.....

The views down as we walked up were epic.

"Pinch me"....I can't believe where I am and what I am about to do.

Literally, the steps that we ascended where almost vertical in some areas.....different heights and lengths.  Slow and steady...and carefully....wins the race.

At each 'tower' we stopped for a wee rest....and photos.

One of my favourite photos below.  Unbelievable.

Not finished our climb yet...taking the time to get a photo of Deb and I together on this magnificent piece of history.

Still heading up....OMGosh.....

We walked over an hour up and then started to descend.  Which we thought was tough going is quite a climb down too.
Loved every minute of it.

As far as my camera could see....we are surrounded by off shoots of the Great Wall.

Heading back for water and of course souvenirs.
LOVE this photo below.

Our new friend, Janet (husband Alex climbed higher) from Christchurch, New Zealand....a wee convoy going down.

The never ending crowds of people climbing up and down.

WE MADE IT!!!!!!!
