The Terra Cotta Warriors

First stop on our trek to see the epic Terra Cotta Warriors is a workshop where not only do they produce replicas of the warriors to buy, there is also jade and porcelain and clothing...and every other souvenir you can image.  What a great store.

An artisan preparing a wee Budda for the next step...below is a similar finished product.

Still more size.

Below we are heading in to see the 'real' Terra Cotta Warriors not far from the city of Xi'an.

Soldiers made of clay were buried with China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang Di.
They were to journey with him in his eternal afterlife.

The army of soldiers was discovered by a farmer while digging a well on March 29th, 1974.

You cannot image the size of the discovery......there were there of these gigantic stadiums!!!

There are four main pits which have been partially uncovered....about 23 feet deep.

Not only soldiers, but horses, chariots, 



Zombie Apocalypse.....oh's soldiers awaiting restoration.

My favourite photo.....below.

The Bronze Chariot and horses uncovered and now highly protected by glass.

So many people trying to get a photo through the glass.....a bit uncomfortable.

An incredible visit to a World Wonder......can't believe we saw them.
Incredible discovery.....
